
The High Net Worth Playbook

I started my career making my bosses rich. Then I realized the power of ownership to create exceptional wealth. If you are looking for a fulfilling alternative to the traditional "9 to 5" career path, this newsletter is for you.

A room filled with lots of wooden furniture

Can one person run a holding company?

What do you think running an 8 figure holding company looks like? expensive lawyers on retainer a team of engineers a bunch of finance dudes running mergers & acquisitions... and more than a few middle managers... You may have been right as little as 5 years ago... but the rapid development of AI technology and community tools has changed the game. The High Net Worth Playbook outlines my approach to an alternative career path. One where, ..instead of trying to climb a corporate ladder.....
houses on hill near body of water

My playbook for achieving high net worth

Hey there, I want to share my story with you—a journey from being a $50k salary coder with no belief that I could be rich, to a multi millionaire on the path to building a nine-figure empire by 2030. Hopefully, my story can save you the 10 years it took to get here. A Realization That Changed Everything I grew up in a real estate family, so I always knew that making your money work for you is key to building wealth. But despite that, I never saw myself as someone who could actually get rich....